What am I cooking?

Ah I thinking was Basilico not spinach and sundry tomato

Sarana x

Oh - that is wilted spinach (done in the microwave) and the red pepper was char-grilled, put in a plastic bag, then skinned. Putting it in a bag or covered container for a while after grilling makes it easier to peel the skin off (as I'm sure you know). The aubergine slices were brushed with olive oil on both sides and baked until tender .
Oh - that is wilted spinach (done in the microwave) and the red pepper was char-grilled, put in a plastic bag, then skinned. Putting it in a bag or covered container for a while after grilling makes it easier to peel the skin off (as I'm sure you know). The aubergine slices were brushed with olive oil on both sides and baked until tender .
Ah I was close. Sounds good Bella, please share photo.

Sarana x
Aubergine Involtino:

Well now, its that radiator pasta with a sauce made from the other ingredients. I am not sure if the dish has a specific name but if it does I don't know it. Are the chopped orange things peppers?

That little metal prep cup has garlic powder in it. Don't let the patties mislead you, I usually patty all my ground beef when I get it home. The beer is for the cook.

I am guessing it's either meatballs or meatloaf.
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