Sooo Tasty, ya' ever had dreams of being a... Lumberjack?!
A little story:
When I moved back to Ohio, one of my nephews, 10yo at the time, really latched on to me. He thought I was The Coolest Guy Ever.
Several years later, after hanging out with me all that time, he started college nearby, and shortly after that I invited him and his dad out for a guys' night near where he was living. His dad and I rode together and his kid met us there.
We're sat at the bar waiting, and in walks his kid in a pair of boots, skinny jeans, and a silky, flowery, puffy, ruffley blouse that clearly came from the women's section. Keep in mind, at that time, my nephew was about 6 feet tall, sort of chubby, curly red hair like a clown, and a red beard about half as long as a Duck Dynasty beard.
His dad looked at him, and in a very low-key voice, commented, "That's an, um, interesting shirt you're wearing, Jack."
"I always figured the department store sections were just suggestions."
I laughed my butt off, because I used to take him clothes shopping, and that's something I said to him once, just being funny and off the top of my head, but it obviously stuck!