What are Your Favorite Style Eggs & Egg Dishes ?

I will solve the egg dilemma,
Researcher A specifically found that yes eggs do raise cholesterol. He was hired by someone wanting to reduce egg consumption.
Researcher B found the exact opposite. He was hired by someone wanting to increase egg consumption.
Researcher C found that in extreme quantities eggs can raise cholesterol. (Note: this is a dozen a day every day for several months. ) He was hired by someone wondering why two different researchers found different things.

So rather than argue, do what is best for your health.


There is nothing to argue about.

My father is following his doctor´s suggestions about foods he should avoid totally, foods to eat in moderation and foods to eat on a daily basis.

Have a nice weekend ..

Spain´s máximum on whole eggs ( White & Yolk ) are 3 eggs a week Máximum.

Basically, by products of animals are recommended in " moderation " or are a No No ..

It is highly recommended to use Evoo verses animal fats ..

And very little red meat.

They recommend: Fish, scaled and fin types and chicken with out skin.

Moderation: Calamari and Prawns, Lobster and Crab.

It is up to the Doctor who has one´s blood work to determine what is best ..

One can do research on topic, and one has to decide what is good for them ..

Have a lovely day ..
Strange advice. The cholesterol contained in one egg yolk is way less than in say, one portion of salt cod or sardine.

I agree with you but if you have been diagnosed with High Cholesterol, then, you have to be on a strict no fat diet ..

If you do not have this genetic condition, then you can eat in moderation ..

I know alot about High Cholesterol nutrtional data because my dad has had issues with high cholesterol. It is under control because he is careful, at restaurants and at home, my mom is on top of the situation as well ..

Have a lovely day dear ..

I eat chicken skin only 1 time every two months...I won! :laugh:
Strange advice. The cholesterol contained in one egg yolk is way less than in say, one portion of salt cod or sardine.


Only fresh cod fish is on the High Cholesterol List of "Yes Foods", and salt cod is on the "No´s" !

Sardines, are on the Yes, if Fresh .. Not salted or tinned ..

Goodnight .. Have a nice weekend.
Until Monday ..
I've never really taken any notice of doctor's research when considering what food to eat. The recommendations change every fortnight anyway...

I figure all things in moderation. Avoid the foods that trigger bad results for you. Indulge in the foods that help you function. And an indulgence once in a while can improve the attitude. Simple to say. To do? Well...
Some of the biggest food myths of all time:
Eat cholesterol = high cholesterol levels in arteries.
Eat fat = get fat.

Sorry, it's not that simple, and there are so many vested interests driving research and regulations.
Also, each individual's body interacts differently with different foods. An e-friend of mine had serious medical issues: overweight, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes so bad he was almost ready for meds, cholesterol readings out the wazoo. He, with his doctor's permission, tried the Ketogenic diet. He monitored everything, checked in with his doctor regularly, and ended up losing 100 pounds, all his numbers were down to ideal, and he felt better than he had in decades. It's been over two years since he started with this and continues to this day, adjusting for his new weight etc. It worked for him. BUT everyone has to find something that works for them effectively and is safe.
I eat chicken skin only 1 time every two months...I won! :laugh:


My dad has been very careful about his diet & his past challenges with high cholesterol & now his cholestrol is normal ..

He is extraordinarily cautious as is my mom and the whole family when we have family get togethers ..

Have a great weekend ..

My dad has been very careful about his diet & his past challenges with high cholesterol & now his cholestrol is normal ..

He is extraordinarily cautious as is my mom and the whole family when we have family get togethers ..

Have a great weekend ..

I know perfectly what you wrote. In my family there are also high levels of cholesterol and diabets
Here there are a lot of attention about cholesterol/diabet and is always highly recommend to eat different food and ne careful with quantities of food.


I am in total agreement with you. I believe a large percentage of diseases or malfunctions within one´s body, are nutritionally related ..

Have a lovely evening.
Ciao ..
Duck eggs and whole grain toast.

duck eggs toast 2 s.jpg

On a personal note, I prefer hard boiled .. I think duck eggs would make a wonderful French or Spanish Omelette or an Italian Frittata ..

Enjoy ! And thank you for posting the lovely Photo.

Have a lovely weekend ..
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