What are your first memories of great food?

Did you ever eat the chillies in food? I mean cooked in food not raw.
Really thinking hard about it, I can say that chilis mainly appeared in a handful of soups, but nothing much else that I can recall.

Dad ate then raw, just like a side dish, and he liked them pickled. Other than that, they were mainly dried and crumbled up and used like you'd use black pepper.
I have MS,
Sarana x
That's right, I remember now. When we lived in Texas, my wife was the Services Director for the South Texas Chapter of the MS Society. She did a lot of work during that time with fund raisers and working as a liaison between the medical community and the MS community. A lot of strong people there.

I hope you're feeling better soon.
That's right, I remember now. When we lived in Texas, my wife was the Services Director for the South Texas Chapter of the MS Society. She did a lot of work during that time with fund raisers and working as a liaison between the medical community and the MS community. A lot of strong people there.

I hope you're feeling better soon.
The pain comes and go, now my hands shake a lot so cooking is difficult. However I will keep going.
Sarana x
Unfortunately I have never tried either cuisine, I suppose in that respect I limited in Italian food even though I Napulitano! But every region has it own specials.
Sarana x

Right, every region has its own culinary tradition and my dad always says “ you could feed all Italy only with one region, no matter which is”.
Hard to say what my first memories of great food were. Both my parents loved to cook, and since we moved to New York City when I was two years old, and my parents apparently had few "food phobias", I'm sure I was introduced to all sorts of things early on. I do know I went through the "terrible twos and threes" where I was extremely picky (no, I don't remember that, but Mom told me...) Dad wanted to try everything. Mom was somewhat more selective. But since they both cooked, I was exposed to so many things.

There were things we never did eat then. Sushi was unheard of, as was African cuisine, and Vietnamese, Indochinese, etc.. We went to Little Italy and we went to Chinatown. We ate French food - actually at that time I associated that with escargot (which I liked and like). Dad liked spicy, and I did as well (though never as spicy as he did).

But anyway, it all piles in together in my memories.
Pretty simple childhood, father left home when I was three, mum bought three boys up, I'm the middle guy. Food was meat n three veg. But mainly two veg. Minced beef or offal, or sausages, all cheap.no seasoning except salt, lots of salt in with veges. I hardly use salt now. So when my girlfriend and our baby set up our first flat. 1975 and two bedroom flat $17 a week. I always remember that.
Anywho I worked a full time job and a part time job cleaning offices. Approx 16 hrs a week. So I had a good wage coming in. I decided I wanted a bit of the good life, so we started going to a "flash" restaurant called the guardsman every Sunday night. Steaks cooked proper, entrees and desserts. My wife's family never had much either so we just loved treating ourselves. I have replicated all our favourite dishes and I make them regularly. We still treat ourselves. We've eaten all around the world. Dinner up,the Eiffel Tower to supper at moulin rouge at 1am.
I just love food and cooking.

Some of my earliest memories - catching catfish in the bay in our backyard, hog dressing them, rolling in flour or cornmeal and parents pan frying them in a cast iron skillet on a grill. Dad taught us to fish at a young age. It was an adventure. In the fall I remember getting off the school bus and running down the driveway and the smell of whatever Mom was cooking emanating from the exhaust fan in the walll over the range - City chicken, fried chicken, roast beef... The smell of certain foods can bring me to tears. Food brought us all together and still does.
Some of my earliest memories - catching catfish in the bay in our backyard, hog dressing them, rolling in flour or cornmeal and parents pan frying them in a cast iron skillet on a grill. Dad taught us to fish at a young age. It was an adventure. In the fall I remember getting off the school bus and running down the driveway and the smell of whatever Mom was cooking emanating from the exhaust fan in the walll over the range - City chicken, fried chicken, roast beef... The smell of certain foods can bring me to tears. Food brought us all together and still does.

You just bought back memories of myself slitting sheeps throats and shooting pigs in the head then sticking them. Then cleaning them ( dressing) and leaving to hang. My grandkids would be horrified if they knew. Snowflake generation worries me.

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