Hard to say what my first memories of great food were. Both my parents loved to cook, and since we moved to New York City when I was two years old, and my parents apparently had few "food phobias", I'm sure I was introduced to all sorts of things early on. I do know I went through the "terrible twos and threes" where I was extremely picky (no, I don't remember that, but Mom told me...) Dad wanted to try everything. Mom was somewhat more selective. But since they both cooked, I was exposed to so many things.
There were things we never did eat then. Sushi was unheard of, as was African cuisine, and Vietnamese, Indochinese, etc.. We went to Little Italy and we went to Chinatown. We ate French food - actually at that time I associated that with escargot (which I liked and like). Dad liked spicy, and I did as well (though never as spicy as he did).
But anyway, it all piles in together in my memories.