What are your other hobbies and interests?

Excitement...pre-publication copies of my novel arrived today. If I can face doing it, I really ought to read through it. Obviously, it's too late to correct any mishaps and I know that it has been proofread, but something usually slips through the net. Hopefully, not too many.

View attachment 2217
Best of luck. Also a bit late now as well. Are you doing anything like free copies in exchange for reviews for friends etc? Always a good way to get noticed on Amazon and others.
I love reading. I am also very interested in astrology and tarot reading. I have been practicing astrology and tarot reading for four years now. I am also into yoga and meditation.
Best of luck. Also a bit late now as well. Are you doing anything like free copies in exchange for reviews for friends etc? Always a good way to get noticed on Amazon and others.

I think publishers quite like people buying via Amazon because of the ranking thing. At present, I'm trying to get a bit of publicity locally. The book is set in Edinburgh, with the odd excursion into Fife, so I'm hoping I might find a few people interested in and around Edinburgh. People like reading about places they know and looking for streets, shops, pubs and so on that they recognise.
I think publishers quite like people buying via Amazon because of the ranking thing. At present, I'm trying to get a bit of publicity locally. The book is set in Edinburgh, with the odd excursion into Fife, so I'm hoping I might find a few people interested in and around Edinburgh. People like reading about places they know and looking for streets, shops, pubs and so on that they recognise.
So is it about a king golfer? I mean...the cover picture is rather unusual.
So is it about a king golfer? I mean...the cover picture is rather unusual.

No, it's about a clown called Vince Kingmyle who runs a golf tourism company in Edinburgh. The man is a complete egotist and plays on the "King" part of his name, his business being called Golf King. He will be immediately recognisable to any of my former Civil Service colleagues that read the book. There is also no chance whatsoever that the person on whom he is based will read the thing, because his reading does not extend beyond The Sun and the sports pages of the Edinburgh Evening News.

My publisher has been kind enough to file it under "Humour" (though others may disagree). I like to think of it as Revenge Fiction.
No, it's about a clown called Vince Kingmyle who runs a golf tourism company in Edinburgh. The man is a complete egotist and plays on the "King" part of his name, his business being called Golf King. He will be immediately recognisable to any of my former Civil Service colleagues that read the book. There is also no chance whatsoever that the person on whom he is based will read the thing, because his reading does not extend beyond The Sun and the sports pages of the Edinburgh Evening News.

My publisher has been kind enough to file it under "Humour" (though others may disagree). I like to think of it as Revenge Fiction.
I had an interview with my local newspaper, the Fife Free Press, who wanted to talk to me about my novel. I even got a photographer as well. Somebody in this house keeps singing Legend in my Time.

Sarcasm is so indecorous.
And the result of all this is...

I have always been interested railways - from model ones up to the real thing. I have worked in a couple of independent model shops and had a great time building some of the display models and building stuff for customers. I was always going to carry on building models after I retired but have had to leave everything on hold because of health problems. I like calligraphy and the calligraphy-connected background painting, I always have read a lot - I like mediaeval history and fiction, crime (from fiction to faction and even some official reports about events that happened during WWII). I love cooking and baking although I'm no good at cake decorating (!). Anything I watch on TV is usually well connected to my other interests although I do like horror films (and I don't mean the Friday the 13th/Halloween/Zombie sort of stuff. I shall leave your minds boggling over that.). I like word games but my brain says no to crosswords these days (I used to do cryptic crosswords and had been known to finish the Times big one very quickly on more than one occasion). And of course there are my greyhound and my three cats.....
Excitement...pre-publication copies of my novel arrived today. If I can face doing it, I really ought to read through it. Obviously, it's too late to correct any mishaps and I know that it has been proofread, but something usually slips through the net. Hopefully, not too many.

View attachment 2217
Good for you and good luck I have a couple of novels published 'on line' but I hope to get them printed in reality one day
PS how much does it actually cost to get a book published these days ?
Good for you and good luck I have a couple of novels published 'on line' but I hope to get them printed in reality one day
PS how much does it actually cost to get a book published these days ?

It very much depends on the route (and publisher) one takes. It didn't cost me anything, other than time.
I like word games but my brain says no to crosswords these days (I used to do cryptic crosswords and had been known to finish the Times big one very quickly on more than one occasion)..

You really should join in the thread Cryptic food and drink. Its only me and @Duck59 who participate! Basically, we post cryptic food clues and the the person to solve the last clue makes up a new one. Have a look! Its not like doing a whole crossword. Just one clue at a time - a bit of a diversion. We are quite lonely there, @Duck59 and I!:( I just posted a new one!
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You really should join in the thread Cryptic food and drink. Its only me and @Duck59 who participate! Basically, we post cryptic food clues and the the person to solve the last clue makes up a new one. Have a look! Its not like doing a whole crossword. Just one clue at a time - a bit of a diversion. We are quite lonely there, @Duck59 and I!:( I just posted a new one!
I had a quick peak the other night! My brain has a one track mind at the moment - food - so maybe I should have another look!
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