What can I grow on a balcony?


9 Feb 2014
Local time
3:05 PM
I want to start growing some small vegetables and herbs, but I live in a pretty small apartment on the third floor of my building. I have a good amount of space on my balcony, but I still need to be choosy about how I use it. What would grow best on my balcony? I live in central Florida, if that helps.
Basil, lavender, tomatoes and pepper are all relatively easy vegetables and herb plants you could try. Basil is something that is usually pretty easy to grow, and my aunt always had luck growing those small red peppers in her balcony (not sure how they are called). You could to to a specialized store and see what they think you could grow in your balcony. They might be able to help based on the weather where you live.
I used to have a rather large balcony and grew vegetables. What worked best for me were tomatoes, peppers, green onions and radishes. I also grew a few herbs such as parsley and basil :)
Herbs are a great place to start when growing things on a balcony or porch.
Most herbs are plants you can usually grow in a pot on the balcony, and bring them in when it gets cold out. You can use them fresh or dried. A few that I will suggest are parsley, basil, chives, mint, green onions, and oregano. You can find many different lists online on how-to start planting and plant handling.
What type and duration of sun do you get on your balcony? That is a big factor in determining what you would grow. We can suggest plants but without knowing how much light that you have its hard to decide what is best.
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