What did you cook, eat or drink today (March 2019)

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Creole jack fruit burger topped with battered spiced aubergine, served with sweet potato fries.
Looks good, Wysh, what 'tis?

12 oz Minced bacon , preferably from a joint. 1 onion chopped and fried in butter, 1/4 pint bacon stock (I used pork stock), beaten egg, 2 oz breadcrumbs, mixed herbs, nutmeg and pepper and then mix.

Line a 1lb loaf tin with butter and then press in golden dried breadcrumbs around the base and sides. Spoon in the loaf mix cover with foil and bake for 1 hour at gas mk4 180°.
If I do this again I would use a scant 1/4pt as the mix was slightly loose.

Seems funny to be called Wysh again!
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