What did you cook/eat today (August 2017)?

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You must know that the male human species can only recognise and name about six different colours. Whereas women can recognise and name about 256,000!
Last night's dinner.....pork tenderloin kabobs on the grill (rosemary spice & a balsamic marinade)....fresh "Jersey" tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil and chopped red onion and fresh "Jersey" corn on the cob.....It's that time of year in New Jersey !! :):)
Wish I could get my photos as nice as yours....I don't seem to have enough light...probably because I eat so late..
Your photos are pretty damn good! I just use daylight - not full sun or you get ugly shadows. I cook stuff earlier in the day to photograph (usually). Electric light will never look as good as daylight. I take the food into the garden to photograph, if there isn't enough light indoors.
A nice simple meal....corned beef spring cabbage and mashed potatoes
Vivid and delicious looking (and I'm not even a fan of corn). But how or where are the peaches?
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That is funny, @Yorky, even though it is sadly true.

This reminds me of the famous 'Eton Mess'. I love raspberries.
I sure can be a mess when I'm eatin'. :wink: You're right, though, @morning glory, it does look a lot like an Eton Mess. I love raspberries, too.

I performed a necessary evil errand today...I went clothes shopping. No energy to even think of cooking, but I had already laid in a nice supply of leftovers. Plus, right before I left to clothes shop, I ran to the corner market to pick up some fresh corn. I got home just at the right time...hubby had cleaned and trimmed the corn and was looking for the right pot to cook it in! We each had a leftover stuffed pepper, and two ears of corn. Then I spent about fifteen minutes chomping on fresh cherries. Surprising how many of those things you can go through when you aren't paying attention! :eek:
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