What did you cook/eat today (August 2017)?

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We have two varieties of potato here: Chinese large potatoes and Chinese small potatoes. (Although new potatoes are available in tins).
This evening's pizza.


Liquidised fresh tomato, tomato puree and pureed garlic; sliced white onion; grated mozzarella cheese; pepperoni; black olives. Oregano flakes to add prior to cooking.
I was feeling tired tonight, so I just had a quick meal of sautéed potatoes, baked beans, and fried eggs.

@morning glory I found a slice of focaccia in the freezer the other morning (while looking for something else, of course). I had it with a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast. Lovely!
I was feeling tired tonight, so I just had a quick meal of sautéed potatoes, baked beans, and fried eggs.

@morning glory I found a slice of focaccia in the freezer the other morning (while looking for something else, of course). I had it with a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast. Lovely!

Now you are making me want boiled eggs. I'm such an egg addict. Focaccia soldiers to dip!
Still too hot to turn on the stove but the fisherman (my pet name for the hubs) has been dropping some heavy hints re how tired he is of sandwiches and deli salads.
Don't know what his problem is...I have been having ice cream for supper for days now....
Anyway since the namesake (6 years old) is in residence the only logical choice was chicken strips and frites.
The look on his face was priceless.
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