What did you cook/eat today (July 2017)?

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Mince and tatties with peas (no mention of ketchup) :)
I'm at my mom's, and I said to her I'd procure anything that she wanted for dinner. Anything! From anywhere in the world!

She wants a burger and fries with a chocolate sundae, so long as we sing Norwegian songs while we eat and drink, and we can snack on fiskeboller later. Both fried and in cream sauce.

Gotta love Norskies. A meal is more than the food and drink. It's about family, and stories, and fun.

And fish.
Norwegian fish balls, the smelly cousin of Italian meataballs (you should pronounce the extra 'a'' for authenticity).

They can be served fried with onions and butter, or more commonly swimming in a cream sauce.

With white mashed potatoes. And other white things. You'd think that Norsks could pick another color.

And not pale blue or light grey.
Tonight is roast with carrots, mashed potatoes and some Brussels Sprouts. Slow cooker and steamer since I didn't know what time our car windshield was going to be replaced.
Tuesday night's dinner was potato kofta with some of the remaining tomato and ginger sauce (which now tastes like fire!) and flatbreads. Afters was half a blackberry crumble with yoghurt.

Potato kofta.jpg

and Wednesday was fusion food night - potato kofta with zeytiyagli taze fasulye (runner beans in olive oil, or in my case French beans in olive oil, and a couple of chicken drumsticks with the last of the tomato and ginger sauce. No flatbreads and no afters - it was a very late dinner. At least it didn't involve any cooking other than the drumsticks.....
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Pikelets! A new oatcake shop has just opened within walking distance from my house selling traditional Staffordshire oatcakes and pikelets. I can see a large breakfast in my near future.

Last night's meal was just using up the last of the fish from the fishcake marathon. I made a Mediterranean-style sauce with onion, garlic, tomatoes, SD tomatoes, olives and fresh basil, then stirred in the pieces of fish. Served with rice pasta.
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