Lynne Guinne
When milk curdles, clumps form. The liquid is whey, the lumps are curds - I'm sure you know this. Cheese curds are simply the lumps before they are pressed into form to make a block of cheese. I understand if you are near a Wisconsin cheese maker (because Wisconsin in known for its curds), the curds are so fresh they squeak when you bite down on them. I've had the same effect when I've had fresh halloumi....I am not sure what 'cheese curds' are. Paneer?
We had a small cook-out for just four of us. I had run down to a small butcher about 15 miles from where our daughter lives to buy some of their smoked pork chops. Hubby grilled those just enough to warm them up. I had fresh corn cut off the cob and fried cabbage and noodles for our side dishes. We started off with nice garden salads. I forgot to take any photos because...well, family.