Maybe three years ago, we had a stretch of hot weather, and I said, "I'm going to grill out every night for as long as I can stand it," and I made it 11 days straight. Other than that, my average is probably three times a year.When I do a crawfish boil, I usually go through one tank. When Karen brought back 80# from a trip to Kentucky, I went through almost 2 tanks. I have a 40 qt pot.
I don't have anything against grilling per se, it's just that I don't like being outside, no matter what I'm doing, so standing out in the heat, on the deck, cooking something, when I have a perfectly good air-conditioned kitchen just doesn't make sense for me.
MrsTasty always laughs because even when I'm grilling, I do most of it from inside. The deck is off the kitchen, and I'll start the grill and get things prepped in the kitchen while it heats up. Then I'll put a steak down or whatever it is, and say it needs four minutes, I'll run back inside and stand in the kitchen for three-and-half minutes, run back outside and turn it, then run back into the kitchen.