I bought and prepped everything else, plus I bet you can guess who cleaned the house before and after, polished glassware and flatware, and did all the dishes and other cleanup after.
Ooh ok, So that is how it rolled...

Well then, much much praise to you. It really is a lot of work. Did you get the rest you so deserved?
It reminds me of a sentence my boyfriend once typed, that took my eyebrows up, I am a man, and I still do all those things.(

household duties, chores)... And I was like, it is not about gender, it is a split of duties. You are in the household, you do all the duties. It can be taking turns.
It could be his phrasing was off, but if and when we co live will be the true test.
That is what I try to teach my daughter too.
I know, especially the last couple of years, my Mom does e v e r ything around the household. As long as I can remember, he did the fixings and wall painting, chair repair etc, but no household duties. I simply do not agree with that. My ex husband did vacuuming, dishes, dusting, laundry,drying, grocery shopping, we both did. I even carried and stacked logs alongside. That was a workout.
Did I stray off topic again? Sorry...it was festive meal prep related