What did you cook or eat today (December 2021)?

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I'd love to have a meal with you. I think it would be a funny night.
What made things worse was the women furtherest away from me when done handed the list back down the line. Then the ditherer mid table decided to change hers again. I hate, absolutely hate ditherers . My wife started giggling because she knew what was coming, lol

I sometimes get drunk dining out, but not obnoxiously so. If I have to drive I will have one glass of wine with dinner then switch to water. My husband has astigmatism and can't drive well at night or when it's raining, so I usually end up behind the wheel. Bummer.
The night started real bad when my besty got a phone call as we sat down. Instead of ignoring it he answered it, then put him on speaker and asked everyone to say hello to him. Wtf.
I ignored them.

I sometimes get drunk dining out, but not obnoxiously so. If I have to drive I will have one glass of wine with dinner then switch to water. My husband has astigmatism and can't drive well at night or when it's raining, so I usually end up behind the wheel. Bummer.

I usually have 1 or 2 at most, merlots
As I drive both us.

I usually have 1 or 2 at most, merlots
As I drive both us.

I love driving and I am really good at navigating. But of course the drinking thing gets in the way. Uber or Lyft otherwise. I miss the days when the kids got their driver's licenses and still lived at home, we would make them drop us off and pick us back up again, or take them with us when they were too young to drink but old enough to drive, LOL.

Of course these days no dining out, it's too cold for outside dining and we just got our first case of Omicron in the US yesterday. It's in California, but it will spread nationwide quickly enough.

Can't wait until spring gets here...and our winter is just starting :yuck:
I think I am going to have a hot turkey, white cheddar (or provolone), and bacon sandwich for dinner with mayo, lettuce, and maybe some tomato and avocado. I've got an avocado in the refrigerator but not sure how it's going to look under the skin. If it's still green and not browning I will mush some on the toasted bread instead of using much mayonnaise.

Hubby is going to have leftover lasagna. I could eat turkey every day and I probably will for several days. Hubby, not so much. He liked my turkey but he likes more variety. He could eat pasta every day, though.
Today's meal uses up the ground beef I had in the fridge that was in danger of turning brown, - ground beef soup.

The soup contains ground beef, udon noodles, cabbage, onion, Serrano pepper, large lima beans, mushrooms, garlic, anise, caraway, basil, marjoram, thyme, rosemary and beef Better Than Bouillon (BTB).
I think I am going to have a hot turkey, white cheddar (or provolone), and bacon sandwich for dinner with mayo, lettuce, and maybe some tomato and avocado. I've got an avocado in the refrigerator but not sure how it's going to look under the skin. If it's still green and not browning I will mush some on the toasted bread instead of using much mayonnaise.

Hubby is going to have leftover lasagna. I could eat turkey every day and I probably will for several days. Hubby, not so much. He liked my turkey but he likes more variety. He could eat pasta every day, though.
Man, but that was good. Messy but good. I opted for the white cheddar and slathered on the mayo but only on one side of the brioche bun. The avocado was perfect.


I usually have 1 or 2 at most, merlots
As I drive both us.


I have booked an appointment to renew my driving licence on 16th December (it expires at the end of the year). It's only for emergencies as I rarely drive these days.

Anyway, today was toast, streaky bacon, mushrooms and a fried duck egg.

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