Fizzy water and spelt/ buckwheat with some white flour for gluten if you're able to manage that amount (and you could always make the pretzels smaller as well). We often add alternative flour into things such as teff, hemp and similar. Just not the first time I make something though!
Oh wonderful ideas, actually, very good advice, thank you!
It was amazing to read your food /bread experiences while travelling...
I have not tried komut myself yet...but I would really prefer it, if I could, at least for now, stick to what I know and like, and tolerate.
I could add about 50 g of white flour to have the gluten goodness...omitting the beer has crossed my mind as well. Good suggestion with the fizzy water, thanks!
Today was A day, in which I baked twice. I cannot honestly recall when I did that previously. It was raining all day, except for the little window between 12 am and 1 pm, when we got our groceries for the week. It was not that cold, perhaps 8C. It was a Saturday, and it just felt perfectly cozy to bake, I had tried a new Kipferl recipe, adjusted it as per usual, and ah, they are so wonderful (spelt mainly). I will post...
After getting some downmarked pickles, on a grocery ride with my boyfriend, I baked again. Those evening rolls are filled with spinach and eggs, absolutely amazing.
not only to me, but to my daughter, she had, I think 6 of them, can't recall exactly. And normally she eats like a sparrow, or, perhaps a pigeon...and she went all out in the bread rolls. She prefers the plain ones, which is perfect, all the spianch ones are for me then , ha ha.
I hope to have a similar vistory bake day when I attempt the pretzels. I am so happy with the day, so grateful.