What did you cook or eat today (February 2024)?

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That's how we eat. Sometimes breakfast isn't even until 2 pm, then we have cheese and crackers or something light around 6, dinner 9-10.
My schedule is the complete opposite lol, but if I don't eat early in the day I don't sleep due to not having a colon.
I eat breakfast at 6.30 or 7.00, then lunch between 11 and 12.30 and dinner between 16 and 17 o clock. I don't snack in between, so I guess this counts as mild intermittent fasting. But else I just have to get up too often during the night.
My childhood was breakfast at 7.30, lunch at 12, "dinner" at 5.30 pm. When I first went to Uni, we'd have "tea" at 4pm, then "Supper" at 7.30pm because of Evensong.
These days I can't face any food until I've been up for at least a couple of hours!
No photos, but yesterday I did a big batch of bolognese sauce in the slow cooker, plus a giant pot of chili, and got none of it myself!

I’ve frozen it all to take to my best friend who just had a baby. I am really quite terrible at interacting with babies, but I’m a pretty good cook, so this is my contribution. I figure some food they can just reheat and have something ready to eat will be appreciated.
Fried fish with soy and sesame oil:

Did that for 6 months and only saw daylight at the weekends.
That was how it was for me in the UK in winter. Got to work before sunup, in an office with no windows, usually brought my lunch, then out after sundown.

My coworkers used to think I was crazy, because I wasn’t tripping over myself to get some daylight during lunch, but it didn’t bother me. I rather liked it!
As far as eating times go…

These days, breakfast at 8:30AM, lunch at noon, supper between 5:30PM-6PM. That’s weekdays. Weekends would be more like breakfast at 10AM, light snack around 2PM, supper between 5:30PM-6PM, though I do eat lunch out (on me own) on most Saturdays, around 1PM.
Now the boys have left home and cooking enough food is no longer a large scale military operation on a daily basis Mr SSOAP and I have slid into eating lunch (as the main meal) anywhere between 11.30pm and 3.30pm depending on whether we’ve had breakfast, that depends on what the days plans are, or if we are still digesting whatever from the day before!

The most striking change is we eat a a lot less and seem to be full a lot more easily.
Mr SSOAP says he misses being able to eat a lot, I say be grateful natures taking care of you by stopping you turning into a huge chunkerlunker! 😂
No photos, but yesterday I did a big batch of bolognese sauce in the slow cooker, plus a giant pot of chili, and got none of it myself!

I’ve frozen it all to take to my best friend who just had a baby. I am really quite terrible at interacting with babies, but I’m a pretty good cook, so this is my contribution. I figure some food they can just reheat and have something ready to eat will be appreciated.
I'm the same. I don't want to hold babies. I like people who are more interactive, so I'm better with children when they can walk, talk, feed themselves, and better yet, are able to use the restroom with no assistance. And I'd gladly cook for new parents.
I'm the same. I don't want to hold babies. I like people who are more interactive, so I'm better with children when they can walk, talk, feed themselves, and better yet, are able to use the restroom with no assistance. And I'd gladly cook for new parents.

This may sound awful but I am not really interested in 0 to 1yo. My kids couldn't walk or tall until then. That's when I became interested. They became people. I prolly only changed nappies 3 times '???
I've got better as I've got older!!

This may sound awful but I am not really interested in 0 to 1yo. My kids couldn't walk or tall until then. That's when I became interested. They became people. I prolly only changed nappies 3 times '???
I've got better as I've got older!!

All my kids (stepkids) know this, and we have 3 grandchildren, the oldest of whom turned 4 in December. She's fun when she's not being too sassy. Her parents do overindulge her a bit, but I don't interfere with their child rearing. I do see they way they do certain things I don't approve of and I might have casually mentioned something about it once and then left it at that. Our GD is potty trained so this is a good thing. My 2 grandsons are both still in diapers, but 1 of them lives in Austin, TX so I don't see him that much. The other grandson lives about 2 hours away but I don't see him without grandpa around or unless we go up that way to visit (and then his mama is always around). DH is much better at diaper changing than I am for sure though he won't do it unless he has to. He adores babies, too. I don't mind looking at them from a few feet away and if they can make eye contact, coo, and smile, I find that sweet.

Just realized I got way off track, sorry!

I made bagels with a warmed smoked salmon, cream cheese, shallot and capers mixture to spread on top with a sprinkle of "everything bagel" seasoning.

Getting ready to go make a big batch of fresh pasta in a bit.
Salad again:


I made a honey-mustard dressing, and a common mistake with me…I started off making a half-recipe and somewhere in the middle (well, the honey, actually), I unknowingly switched to a full recipe. 🤦🏻‍♂️
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