What did you cook or eat today (July 2018)?

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A brace of cod tails.
To batter? Or not to batter?

I decided to batter (well, my wife did) - Yorkshire fishcakes....

2 s.jpg

3 s.jpg

It could've been a bit thicker!
It could've been a bit thicker!
I wondered what that yellow piece was, and figured correctly it was a potato slice. So, as I always do, I decided to search for a recipe, and this one came up:


Not a coincidence! It looks like the batter stuck better in the one you posted there:


I've gotten lazy about updating my Genius Kitchen page, mostly because I don't like how the new app doesn't let you look up your own recipes.
I've gotten lazy about updating my Genius Kitchen page, mostly because I don't like how the new app doesn't let you look up your own recipes.

Mine come listed under "saves".

I did complain to them when they amended their software and subsequently the order of photographs could not be changed. The last one added becomes the featured photograph automatically which is a nuisance.
Mine come listed under "saves".

I did complain to them when they amended their software and subsequently the order of photographs could not be changed. The last one added becomes the featured photograph automatically which is a nuisance.

There is a way to get round this, albeit rather tiresome. Delete the "featured image". Then upload the new images. Then re-upload the image that you wish to be featured.
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