What did you cook or eat today (June 2018)?

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I've not had gumbo for years, although I couldn't use seafood in it. We used to use chicken, but my old, favourite recipe seems to have disappeared. I'll have to do a bit of searching on the internet to see if I can find it.
I've not had gumbo for years, although I couldn't use seafood in it. We used to use chicken, but my old, favourite recipe seems to have disappeared. I'll have to do a bit of searching on the internet to see if I can find it.
Chicken, seafood, and sausage are all common elements in a gumbo...and it's not unusual to have all 3 at the same time (with more than 1 seafood also fairly common). Please do post your recipe when you find it!
Homemade fluffy buns from @morning glory, homemade potato chips, pulled pork from one of Craig's last bbq cooks that was meal portioned and frozen plus coleslaw.

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I am sure it was @Yorky who originally posted the fluffy bun recipe. But anyway, home made chips (crisps) is just great and the pulled pork - oh lovely!
Curry for Monday night's dinner.

courgette curry.jpg

Courgette, onions, carrot, fresh tomatoes, and French beans with plenty of garlic and chilli. The sauce was made using coriander seed, cumin seed, turmeric, fresh ginger, and tomato paste. I ate it with two thick slices of home made sourdough to use up a loaf. A fresh 3 lb tin loaf made with a sourdough starter has just had it final proving and is fermenting in the fridge overnight, to be baked in the morning.
My "meal" yesterday, although not a total disaster, was very close. It was fried left over mashed potatoes with steamed eggs and peas. Firstly, there were no duck eggs for sale so I ended up using chicken eggs which I found had very thin shells - the knife went straight through the first one. I was a little more careful with the second one but the yolk was very small and they both ended up "solid". The peas were a little overcooked also and there was hardly any light to capture an image.

fried mash and eggs s.jpg
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