What did you cook or eat today (June 2019)?

Bearing this in mind, I know we did (I think) a page on bean jar and also a page on ormers not long after I first joined, would it be worth doing a thread on regional/country cooking (or do we have one already?)

I think we'd have to do threads on each region really as its such a massive subject. There is one on Italian Cooking.
Pasta salad with shelf stable cheese tortellini (though you could use the fresh ) with a cooked vinaigrette with red onions, garlic, and red pepper flakes with dijon and white wine vinegar added after coming off heat. Tossed wirh arugula and pecorino. Garlic croissants using Annie's croissants that have been in our fridge for a while. So, we went vegetarian and quick tonight.

2019-06-25 17.25.56.jpg
Chicken kohlapuri.

Onions, garlic and ginger to puree..

Spices to grind..

Aromatic yellow rice to serve..

I cooked that in ghee. A significantly different flavour to olive oil (although my wife didn't like it).

[Edit. Kohlapuri is supposed to be a relatively mild curry but I didn't have green cayennes (4) so I substituted Thai red hot (6) which took it a couple of levels higher].
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We went to a German deli after eating at a German restaurant a couple of weeks ago. They had mini pork shank that had been smoked. I don't remember what she called them in German, but the cut is known as hog wings or pork wings. I heated those up in chicken stock with mirepox and then used that to make gravy for spaetzle. We also had red cabbage.
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