What did you cook or eat today (June 2020)?

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Are those purple potatoes?
Yep, part of a packet of mixed-color potatoes. They were the only ones I had, so that's what I used.

The dressing is cider vinegar, sugar, mustard, sour cream, and some cooked egg yolk mixed up together, celery, celery seed, salt, and pepper, and the rest of the eggs chopped.

Tastes great, but those colored potatoes really don't make for an appetizing salad.
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Boned and rolled lamb shoulder, impregnated with garlic, rosemary and anchovy fillets. I would usually cook this sous vide for at least 24 hours, but my vac pack machine is broken. Instead, it was treble wrapped in foil, and cooked in a bain marie in the oven at 100 deg C for 8 hours, then reverse seared. My wife made mint sauce (we are over-run with mint at the moment) and an onion and leek sauce. Pomme puree, crushed carrots and broccoli as sides. Biggest meal I have eaten all week. Raspberry ripple ice cream is about to go into the ice cream maker.

My goodness, this post has made me hungry.
We were supposed to have grilled homemade pizza, but change of plans.

Craig had:
8oz custom blend ANGUS 1855 patty with our housemade ghost pepper pineapple jam, ghost pepper jack cheese, our housemade pineapple chutney, candied bacon, served on a seeded challah bun.

I had:

AKA BUFFALO BLUE CHEESE BRGR.House blend BRGR marinated in our buffalo sauce grilled and topped with Dutch blue cheese, lettuce, tomato and red onion.

We both had a side of onion rings.
View attachment 41673
Boned and rolled lamb shoulder, impregnated with garlic, rosemary and anchovy fillets. I would usually cook this sous vide for at least 24 hours, but my vac pack machine is broken. Instead, it was treble wrapped in foil, and cooked in a bain marie in the oven at 100 deg C for 8 hours, then reverse seared. My wife made mint sauce (we are over-run with mint at the moment) and an onion and leek sauce. Pomme puree, crushed carrots and broccoli as sides. Biggest meal I have eaten all week. Raspberry ripple ice cream is about to go into the ice cream maker.

I'd line up for an hour for that plate. Beautiful, how was mint sauce?

I think it can be done. But it needs careful balancing of the dressing and other ingredients, visually I mean. Another challenge for me - although I doubt I can get purple potatoes.

We also get coloured potatoes, there's a bag in the kitchen, I'd get up and take a pic, but daughters dog asleep next to me, don't want to wake him up, lol. Yeah he's spoilt.

Dinner at sons house last night, they wanted to give me a night off. Pulled pork sliders or wraps. I'm not big on pulled pork, too stringy for me. Salads and coleslaws.
I didn't eat. Lemon tart for dessert, I took a piece home.
I had left over pizza when I got home.

For dinner this evening TVC served: jersey royal potatoes, gammon, cauliflower and cheese sauce. Utterly scrumptious

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Beautiful, we had similar, smoked gammon, Pembrokeshire potatoes in butter and fresh mint and parsley sauce with peas and carrots.
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