What did you cook or eat today (March 2023)?

I took one of those thin cut ribeyes and made some chicken fried steak. Mashed potatoes and fried okra on the side, as usual for me. It is not pretty -- rather beige -- but was very good. Lots of white gravy (with lots of black pepper).


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So last night's evening meal.

We broke up the baked saffron rice cake into smaller pieces to serve with the spicy avocado, coconut and yoghurt soup and served both cold (the soup is meant to be served cold) because it was a very hot day yesterday.


The avocado soup is made with garlic, ginger, plenty of green chillies, coriander leaf and cumin seeds. It's cold but hot! Lol
36°C is a bit warm for stew but whatever.

My wife found these decent shiitake mushrooms in Lotus's yesterday

and I had precooked (sous vide) pork in the freezer and plenty of spuds so: pork and mushroom stew. And no chillis whatsoever but plenty of fresh ground black pepper.


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Two kinds of lettuce, home-canned sweet pickles (sister), roasted red peppers, Kalamata olives, grilled green olives, green onions, radishes, cucumber, celery, deli chicken, Munster cheese, and homemade French dressing.
I get those grilled green olives from the Persian grocer. The oil tastes kind of like it’s had artichokes in it.
Tonight's evening meal was a "ready meal" so to speak. Shop bought vegan ravioli, shop bought vegan nuggets and some homemade vegan almond and sorrel pesto. (Hubby accidentally mixed in the top layer of olive oil before I could stop him, so it was a little more oily than normal. Usually I drain it off, and return it once we've had the pesto because there's about 6-8 servings in one of the containers and the oil acts as an air barrier. )


Can't win them all, he was "helping", lol
I could do with a little less vertigo from some of your pictures.
Some of my pics are shot at an odd angle, especially in Winter, because I’m trying (and usually failing) to avoid shadows. I call that the Batman shot, after the ‘60’s TV show, which used to revel in odd camera angles (especially of the villains’ hideouts).

The last one you asked me about, though, that was shot from straight down, so the crosshairs on my camera were lined up - no weird angle on that one. I think it was just the way the Universe arranged the salad bits when I dumped it all out on my plate!
I get flak for that too. I love to take photos of my food and I usually won't do it with guests around, but sometimes hubby gives me a hard time if I make him wait to eat his plate, LOL!
Every time I take a photo to post here, my husband rolls his eyes and sarcastically says “You’re such a millennial, taking photos of your food!”
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