What did you cook or eat today (May 2019)?

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Today I experimented with a recipe that I had already made as a cake.
I had aubergine, dark chocolate and cream cheese = Choco aubergine rolls.
This is the result and I am very satisfied with the taste (although the photo is not at its best).
Choco aubergine rolls.jpg
Dinner this evening was from our local Chinese take away, Singapore fried rice and Thai style sweet and sour chicken, very tasty.
They look good. The use of oats fried in with the onions before adding to the turkey is interesting. Did you make the chutney as per the recipe too?

No, didn't have a lot of time and besides I had some Mediterranean Tomato Chutney left over which I had to use.
This is about a 3kg piece of topside. Hot meat sammys are popular here, with tomato relish onions and cheese. Fries as well.

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