Today is the first day in a very long time that I can say I did not cook anything at all and am not planning on doing so this evening, either. And not getting takeout or eating leftovers, nope. I had a banana today and that's it so far. I might eat a few eggs that I had boiled yesterday. I have not been hungry all day and have no idea why. Hubby went to the dentist this morning for a toothache on a back molar and it turned out it was infected. They pulled it, so maybe I am not hungry out of sympathy for him? He can't eat anything but yogurt, ice cream, or cool soft fruits, so I don't have to cook for him, either. If he gets too starved I will make him a fruit smoothie or something. I know he would rather eat something warm and hearty but the dentist said no-no-no. Poor dear.