The Floating Islands on the menu look interesting. Brown butter noodles - how did Mrs. T rate them? I am a fan of noodles and butter
I almost ordered those! MrsT liked the noodles ok, but she would have preferred plain buttered noodles.
She raved about the pork and sauerkraut, though. She had her suspicions, but said it was
nearly as good as mine.
Olde English font: fancy!
Seriously, I love places like this.
This was a weirdly wonderful little place. The food wasn't the best, but it was good enough, and the waitress just made it.
Don't get me wrong, she wasn't a particularly great waitress, but it was obvious that she was so happy in her life, in a tiny little community, in the one restaurant in town, just waiting tables and saying hi to everyone.
She wasn't fast, she hilariously didn't know what they had and were out of, but she was so genuine in her behavior, you just couldn't fault her.
We'd called ahead of time to make sure they were going to have pork and sauerkraut, and it went a lot like this:
Terre Hill, hello.
Hi, yeah, do you have pork and sauerkraut tonight?
believe we do...<over her shoulder> Do we have pork and sauerkraut tonight?...<back to me>...I mean, we
usually do...<back to someone in the kitchen>...where's Paul?...out back? he out back?...ok...
We then went on a phone journey through the whole place, accompanied by opening and closing doors, a dog barking, a stop to chat with someone about their sore foot, another dog...and we finally found Paul, after a good 10 minutes. Seriously, I thought she forgot about me and just left the line open for a while, but her little trip around the building was strangely fascinating.
Anyway, Paul confirmed the pork and sauerkraut was a go.
When we arrived, it was the same kind of thing - no hurry, just "Hi howya doin'," very friendly, but not in any way obsequious or pandering, and this exchange was indicative of the whole experience:
What's the vegetable of the day?
Lima,'s peas. Well, maybe it's Lima beans...

...or peas. I better check, but it's definitely either lima beans or peas.
<toddles off to the kitchen, comes back>
It's corn.
It may sound like I'm poking fun, but she was a delight. She wasn't even really a waitress. It felt more like we'd stopped by her house and she was just making us comfy.