What do you consider to be basic cooking skills

Basic cooking skills in Italy isn't to do the dough for pizza, but is to know how to cook at least an egg. We say " non dico di saper fare l'impasto per la pizza, ma almeno un uovo al tegamino e una bistecca in padella.. Le basi!" translation: "I'm not saying to you to know how to make the dough for pizza, but at least an egg in the saucepan and a steak in the pan..The basic skills!"
By my side, the basic skills are: tomato sauce, ragù and "midnight spaghetti", i.e. Spaghetti with garlic, evo and chili pepper. They are called is this way because generally they are prepared with friends around midnight, after a party or when neither you and your friends want to go home and go to sleep.
There are several ways to answer that, as we have seen to this point, and it
does of course depend on where you're doing the cooking, a simple, vs a well
equipped, vs a commercial kitchen for example, would entail a moderate spectrum
of various skills to be considered basic. But for purposes of the home cook, I would say
that if a person can turn out a complex meal, say a complete Christmas dinner
for several family members--main course protein e.g. a roast, several sides, and dessert,
all home made of course, everything tastes good, nothing overdone or dried out,
and (and this is also important) TIME it all so it's all ready at relatively the same time,
then I would probably categorize them as a fairly accomplished home cook.
And make no mistake I have experienced some NOT so accomplished ones in my day!:yuck::happy:
If you can empty and load the dishwasher along with the prep and cooking IMO you have taken your skill to the next level.
:D. Its surprising the number of members here who don't use a dishwasher and don't want to own one (this came up on another thread). For me, the diswasher is an essential. :okay:
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