When we were younger, we'd get up really early and take the tube to wherever our first activity was that day, catching it before the morning rush. Then we'd get breakfast somewhere there and just hang out until whatever we were doing opened for the day.When I'm in London I stay with a friend who lives in Hackney, to get to the center of the city from his house I need to catch the train (in Shoreditch High Station I think?) and then I get on the tube somewhere. When I travel, I like to get up early so I can make the most of the time I have, but that means I'm using public transportation at the same time everyone else is commuting to work. In the train station next to my friend's house, in the mornings the train is so full there's a lady carrying a microphone whose sole task is to walk to and fro on the platform yelling things like "PLEASE MAKE USE OF THE FULL LENGHT OF THE TRAIN!" and "STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS!". The trains are so full sometimes I'd miss one, two, three trains hope the next one would be less full, but no. Last time I was there I decided to take the bus into the city instead, which takes a good 20 minutes longer, I can't deal with all that negativity at 8AM.
Now that we're older, it's completely flipped. We hang out at the hotel until after the morning rush, then take the tube in.