What does your partner refuse to cook ?


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
9:34 PM
my wife will cook anything for me except one thing .........biscuits !!!
she says dough is "icky " and she will not put her hand in it haha
i never liked the spoon drop biscuits, so i just make a big batch of biscuits once a month and freeze them
my wife will cook anything for me except one thing .........biscuits !!!
she says dough is "icky " and she will not put her hand in it haha
i never liked the spoon drop biscuits, so i just make a big batch of biscuits once a month and freeze them
Dough is icky? Now liver is icky, oozing blood and being a filter in the body, but dough? Huh.
She cooked something the other day?! I remember because it was a shock 😂
She did, and I can’t remember what it was. Was it good, do you remember? :laugh:

She’ll cook herself a scrambled egg, heat up a can of soup, but never for me, that’s just if I’m gone or something. She used to have two or three things she’d make (pot roast, meatloaf), and they weren’t bad, but she stopped that 20 years ago.
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