What does your partner refuse to cook ?

She did, and I can’t remember what it was. Was it good, do you remember? :laugh:

She’ll cook herself a scrambled egg, heat up a can of soup, but never for me, that’s just if I’m gone or something. She used to have two or three things she’d make (pot roast, meatloaf), and they weren’t bad, but she stopped that 20 years ago.
This ^^^
Steve used to cook more or less all meals when I was working. In fact he was a much better cook than I was in those days. I learned a great deal from him. In fact amongst other things, it was some left over braised spicy aubergines which attracted me to him - so spicy! He was, in particular, an excellent fish cook and would frequent the famous Steve Hat's fishmongers when we lived in London. He scaled, gutted, cooked them whole - you name it. I could go on - but sadly he doesn't cook at all any more due to dementia. There is a (scant) cookery book he wrote but it is vague on actual quantities and method, albeit poetic. I will try to find an example...
There is a (scant) cookery book he wrote but it is vague on actual quantities and method, albeit poetic. I will try to find an example...
Thank you for sharing. How wonderful that food brought you together.

Was not sure for a moment, which emoji to activate, opted for 😍, as I admire the fact he was so good at a skill, i.e.cooking, that he wrote a book! His writing had a message! Amazing!

On the other hand, am sad for both of you, to go through his dementia problems...sending best wishes...

Edited to add, I do remember reading articles about older recipes, say beginning, mid of 20th century...where they listed ingredients, no ratios, or grams, and the next sentence would be,

"And once you get the dough, do this or that"😅
😆but how to get the dough was certainly well known to the authors, but not necessarily the readers. I recall thinking, wow, they expect me to know/ improvise knowingly...

Do you think that is what your partner thought? Maybe I am wrong.
There is a (scant) cookery book he wrote but it is vague on actual quantities and method, albeit poetic. I will try to find an example...
That comment is what the “love” reaction was for - I hope you find an example and post it.

I have some of MrsT’s grandmother’s recipes, and yeah…they’re quite difficult to follow for a modern cook.
Sounds like my dad's recipes

Me: so what did you put now?
He: just a bit of ... (Whatever it was)
Me: how much
He: heck, I don't know, just a bit.
Me: and now? What did you put
He: just check that bottle
Me: but it got no label
He: can't you see by looking

And strange enough, I did learn to cook and cook very much in the same way...
Sounds like my dad's recipes

Me: so what did you put now?
He: just a bit of ... (Whatever it was)
Me: how much
He: heck, I don't know, just a bit.
Me: and now? What did you put
He: just check that bottle
Me: but it got no label
He: can't you see by looking

And strange enough, I did learn to cook and cook very much in the same way...

My wife is an amazing cook. This is mostly how she does it. I call her a "clean out the refrigerator" cook. If something is almost gone, or needs used. She will figure out a way to incorporate it into whatever she is cooking in the moment.

The only thing Colleen won't really cook is steak. Mainly because she doesn't care for it.
That comment is what the “love” reaction was for - I hope you find an example and post it.

I have some of MrsT’s grandmother’s recipes, and yeah…they’re quite difficult to follow for a modern cook.
I think we’d be alright on here because most of us know what quantities of what ingredients would be about right in a combination with other ingredients and have reasonable experience of different cooking methods.

My ‘recipe’s’ would be incomprehensible to a lot of people because they’re just a list of ingredients. I sometimes write down the quantities, often not, and there’s no instruction unless it’s something unusual I might forget!
I think we’d be alright on here because most of us know what quantities of what ingredients would be about right in a combination with other ingredients and have reasonable experience of different cooking methods.

My ‘recipe’s’ would be incomprehensible to a lot of people because they’re just a list of ingredients. I sometimes write down the quantities, often not, and there’s no instruction unless it’s something unusual I might forget!
You and MrsT must share a common ancestor, because that’s what her grandmother’s recipes are like.

“Take enough flour for a pie, and add to that cold butter, then a little shortening maybe, and enough cold water to make a strong dough…”
My wife is an amazing cook. This is mostly how she does it. I call her a "clean out the refrigerator" cook. If something is almost gone, or needs used. She will figure out a way to incorporate it into whatever she is cooking in the moment.

The only thing Colleen won't really cook is steak. Mainly because she doesn't care for it.
And ribs used to be on that list too, amirite? Do I remember correctly that you recently converted her?
I think we’d be alright on here because most of us know what quantities of what ingredients would be about right in a combination with other ingredients and have reasonable experience of different cooking methods.

My ‘recipe’s’ would be incomprehensible to a lot of people because they’re just a list of ingredients. I sometimes write down the quantities, often not, and there’s no instruction unless it’s something unusual I might forget!
And don't you squirm when people say, "Oh that was good, please give me your recipe" and you have to say, "Uh, I don't have one, I made it up and didn't measure, but I can tell you what goes in it..."
And don't you squirm when people say, "Oh that was good, please give me your recipe" and you have to say, "Uh, I don't have one, I made it up and didn't measure, but I can tell you what goes in it..."
Yes! I feel like they think I’m being deliberately evasive, like I don’t want them to have the recipe 😂
Or worse your some sort of show off!
But my friend who can cook (and you’ll all probably recognise this) doesn’t generally ask for the recipe, she says “What did you do to this?”
Because she already knows what’s it is and how it’s been cooked from her own expansive repertoire, she just want’s to know what you’ve done that has made it differ from the norm.
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