What food do you like to cook the most?

I love making noodle bowls with lots of broccoli, mushrooms, carrots, bamboo shoots and water chesnuts with chicken or beef and cashews. It's something my son can help with with child safety scissors, and a quick stir of the skillet here and there. We love Chinese food, and pasta.
I don't suppose you have a recipe for those by any chance? They sound delicious!
I have always loved to make pasta. It's a simple dish, very easy to make and hard to make a mistake on, but it's delicious. My family's Italian so pasta is essential in our tables. Recently I have gotten to really love making pancakes. I didn't use to make them before, but now I make them all the time.
I have always loved to make pasta. It's a simple dish, very easy to make and hard to make a mistake on, but it's delicious. My family's Italian so pasta is essential in our tables. Recently I have gotten to really love making pancakes. I didn't use to make them before, but now I make them all the time.
That reminds me, one of my friend's boyfriends is Italian-although I didn't realise this until he was making us this dinner-and when I was visiting them for a convention, he made us one of the most delicious spaghetti bolognese dishes I've ever had. Thing was, he told me that everyone in the UK makes it totally wrong!
I love biryani very much so when ever this is a special occasion I make biryani. I love making different kinds of biryani such as chicken , vegetable, and even fish biryani. Has anyone eaten fish biryani?
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