What is it?

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Is the photo true to colour? I mean, it looks a sort of sludgy green...

No, it is not true to color. Okay, when I say closeup, I'm talking microscope closeup.

Hint... It is something very common, that you can get anywhere, as far as I know. You can cook with it, or just eat it raw as a snack. I think even SatNav can eat this.

I thought it was microscopic. Once some time ago, kid and I went to an edu show, where they showed us microscopic pics of a toothbrush etc,it was unrecognizable to both of us.

Is it sticky? Like honey?
Oh no not vegan...

An apple?

OMG!!! Yes, it is a microscopic image of an apple. How did you guess? :eek:

Bravo Timenspace! No idea how you got that! :bravo:

Here is a less difficult one:

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