What is the first thing that you cooked when you were a child?

I seem to remember baking vetkoek with my grandmother. Vetkoek is a traditional South African pastry thing. It's really simple. You make a basic dough of flour, water, oil or butter, and yeast. Let it rise, then form little balls out of them and roll them out until they're about the size of your palm. Then you fry them in oil and the poof up all lovely and golden brown.

After that, the sky's the limit as for filling. My personal favourite is to just cut the open and spread 'em with some butter and peanut butter. Although most people prefer some kind of minced beef sauce with veggies and so on. But yeah, that was the first thing I can remember cooking.
Pancakes! My dad taught me, and it was a really special bonding moment for us. He taught me to wait until the edges bubbled to flip them, and it still works to this day. It's a pretty simple thing, but I really loved pancakes as a kid, and it meant a lot to me that he bothered to teach me. I always loved his pancakes, too.
Scrambled eggs were the first thing my mother ever allowed me to attempt. No frills or add ins, just eggs. I kept that tradition with my own daughter and it was the first thing I let her make on her own as well. She has, of course, since expanded and now can do scrambled eggs, egg white omelets, french toast and spaghetti. The rest of her cooking is done with me in the kitchen to assist, but she is slowly learning things she can do without any help. My biggest concern with her and why I have been so reluctant to turn her loose is my fear she will get burned by the stove. She's very short for her age and that is no understatement so while her friends are big enough to easily reach all the way to the back of the stove with ease, she tends to get a little to close to the stove eyes for my own comfort.
Scrambled Eggs too! My mum used to prepare them for breakfast and one day she asked me if I wanted to try...
That day for me, the eggs were the most amazing I ever had tried :)
The first recipe I ever cooked was also from Girl Scouts! It was a tuna roll that was baked in the oven. I wish I had kept the recipe!
I actually didn't spend much time in the kitchen when I was growing up for various reasons. The first meal I ever remember making on my own was spaghetti (canned sauce. gasp!) for my boyfriend when I was about 18 and finally in my own place. I have obviously branched out since then but I still hold a soft spot for spaghetti!
The first thing I cooked as a child was probably grilled cheese or pancakes. They started teaching me with basic food that only required adding water to instant pancake mix and a simple grilled cheese with slices of Kraft single cheese and some slices of bread.
Mine would be white rice cooked using the rice cooker. But that may be too much of a no-brainer, right? I'd say the first real meal I learned to cook was pork adobo. I was 12 years old when I was allowed to cook on my own. My mom taught me how to cook the dish because it was one of the easiest to learn. It's basically a stew with all the needed spices dumped in one pot and you can just leave it to cook on its own until the meat becomes tender.
The first thing I ever cooked was a grilled cheese. My mom had me make my sisters lunch. I learned how to make scrambled eggs the next day. I slowly learned how to cook things daily and soon found that I could cook many things. Always had a tough time with gravy but eventually figured it out. I then cooked all the time rather than my mom, which was the plan. Then I taught my sisters how to cook the basics.
The first thing that I cooked was burgers.

As kids, we would have a pajama party late at night, especially in camp!! :)
Scrambled eggs! LOL. I was forced to make it because my mom was not home then to cook lunch for me. :P
I can't exactly remember but one of the dishes I frequently cooked during my childhood was instant noodles mixed with scrambled eggs and large tomato slices. The first thing I ever baked were the usual vanilla cookies (cooked using our oven toaster), which my brothers and I shaped into various animals. My parents were greatly amused.
I can't remember exactly what I cooked, but I imagine it was something like fairy cakes. Both my mum and my grandma used to cook with me and my sister when we were small. I do the same with my children now.
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