What is the most un-appetizing food presentation you have ever come across?

My father in law was a terrible cook..one of those guys who thought you could just wing it in the kitchen without any reference to recipes or techniques or rules...one time he made these quail somebody gave him..I don't remember how he cooked them but there wasn't a bit of seasoning or crispy skin. it was just these small, rubbery, featherless birds floating on a goopy pool of tasteless polenta..this was 35 years ago and still haunts me to this day...
My father in law was a terrible cook..one of those guys who thought you could just wing it in the kitchen without any reference to recipes or techniques or rules...one time he made these quail somebody gave him..I don't remember how he cooked them but there wasn't a bit of seasoning or crispy skin. it was just these small, rubbery, featherless birds floating on a goopy pool of tasteless polenta..this was 35 years ago and still haunts me to this day...
And, I should add that from what I remember he stood over me and watched me eat it, so I had to do it. Funny thing is, I don’t think he ate any.
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