Two pints (16 oz) equal a quart, so yes 12 qt is 24 pints.
Yes - US pints are smaller than UK pints which are 20 oz. That is, assuming that US oz are same as UK oz! Quite an important distinction if you are following recipes.
Two pints (16 oz) equal a quart, so yes 12 qt is 24 pints.
I cannot understand why there is a difference. Fluid ounces (as far as I know) are based on the weight of water. I'm sure that water weighs the same in US as it does in UK. Or maybe not?
Is it only that small %? Its lunatic in the UK - we still use miles on road signs (although for small distances metres are used!). The greengrocer in Saffron Walden market always asks how many pounds of something you want...When the last 3 or 4% of the world finally decides to use metric measurements, all these problems will disappear.
We have a thread with almost the same name in my poker forum. It concerns the biggest "pot" that you have won in a home game
This is one of the stainless steel ones. The other stainless steel one is the same but comes with a steamer tray. The other 250 mm diameter one is aluminium and I cannot remember the last time that we used it.
View attachment 13612
Back to large pots. Why do you guys that have really large pots need them? Is it because you are cooking for lots of people or because you are cooking up large hunks of meat/whole turkeys etc.?