She is an extremely professional artist and a very generous person. My then girlfriend Lolly Trent senior product and marketing manager for EMI/Capitol Parlaphone Manchester square London was one of a team tasked to revive her failing recording career. She could fill stadiums but could not get a top ten single . Capitol wanted to drop her. Foreign Affair was her recording rebirth. Lolly won a global industry award for her Passport Marketing campaign. When Turnip was working on the album in London both Erwin Bach( a friend from EMI Electrola and her boyfriend) and Lolly asked me to come out of retirement and be her personal "handler" at her personal appearances. I was rewarded handsomely. £1000 of Armani vouchers at Christmas for the next 5 years. On my birthday for 5 years a crate would arrive from Fortnum and Mason. personal invites to her 50th birthday party at the Reform Club etc etc.
You want to photograph an artist in our care fill in the form giving management approval rights and you get an official pass. At airports wear your pass or we would treat you as ligging paparazzi or bootleggers .
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