What kind of music do you like?

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Psychedelic Years this afternoon.

Psychedelic Years.jpg
I'm with Yorky, the sort of stuff that was called psychodelic/underground/progressive .
I could add Cream, Soft Machine, Captain Beefheart, Pink Floyd and others to the list

And yes, I'm showing my age; as a baby boomer I was a teenager in the 1960s and will be 69 this year. I can remember when the Beatles, Rolling Stones and so on started
I watched a TV documentary about 60s music a couple of years ago where one of the commentators said - " I am forever grateful that I lived through that magical time when Mod changed to Hippy".

I also have my favourite guitarist - Michael Chapman
I remember it well - I started as a mod and turned hippy!

Remember white go-go boots? Now Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Were Made for Walking" is stuck in my head. The video is hysterical, & kind of catchy.
We are fans of an Icelandic composer Olafur Arnalds, we have seen him twice so far and he is coming here next week. We have front row seats :hyper:

After a long week, a Friday evening, lights out just a lamp or candle, glass of wine and listen to his album Living Room Songs or Island Songs. Very soothing and beautiful.
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