What made you smile recently?

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Not in the same league are the excellent mems about, but today I learned the Welsh name for 'microwave' - popty ping. Beat that for alliteration. It made me smile, but I am now getting frustrated at the lack of opportunities to use it - I am not Welsh, and I don't have a microwave.
Not in the same league are the excellent mems about, but today I learned the Welsh name for 'microwave' - popty ping. Beat that for alliteration. It made me smile, but I am now getting frustrated at the lack of opportunities to use it - I am not Welsh, and I don't have a microwave.
Found one... ;-)

My mom taught many of the girls in my neighborhood to knit and sew.
Sewing, to get it right, is precision. It's upside down, inside out and backwards.

In the summer, most the kids in the several block area where we lived usually hung out near Food Stand # 1 at Zuma Beach.
No air conditioning in homes back then. The beach was fun and cool.

The girls all knitted sitting in beach chairs or towels.

We had a warm spell recently and the wife and I went to the beach, to the spot all the kids hung out at way back when. Read that: Way Back.
There were high school and college girls there sitting in beach chairs, most all knitting.

So the wife got to talking to them and they were all descendants of the kids I hung out with in school that my mom taught to knit and sew.
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