What made you smile recently?

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It is a common source of jokes about people from Liverpool that they are all petty thieves and criminals, a stereotype from the same source as: All Yorkshiremen are tight with money, all Londoners are rude and arrogant, and all Welshmen have an unnatural interest in sheep.

So. What do you call a Scouser in a tie?
The defendant.
It was so cold the other day, I saw a scouser with his hands in his own pockets.
That reminds me of one of my dad's favorite old saws about how, " 'ceptin' birthin' young'uns, everything a woman does, a man does better! Women are supposed to cook...best cooks are chefs - men. Woman are supposed to sew...best sewin' is done by tailors...men. Women are supposed to be healers...best doctors...men!"

That reminds me of one of my dad's favorite old saws about how, " 'ceptin' birthin' young'uns, everything a woman does, a man does better! Women are supposed to cook...best cooks are chefs - men. Woman are supposed to sew...best sewin' is done by tailors...men. Women are supposed to be healers...best doctors...men!"

So there!

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