What made you smile recently?

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My grandson. We drive past the fire station and he exclaims:
" whaddledooblefolddlehapidinglewadllesnirklejostlewiddleypoddledoodlebangle FIRE TRUCK! :hyper::hyper::bravo::bravo::laugh::laugh:
I often ask my AppleWatch for my pulse when I am do ing various things. I just asked, "Hey Siri, what's my pulse?" Siri responded, "That's not nice." :scratchhead:Okay, what was that about, so I looked at what Siri thought I said, and it was, "Hey Siri, what's my balls?" :laugh:


I wont tell you what comes up on my Bixby tv, when using the word public.

Congrats! I'm trying to keep it to myself until it's officially booked, but I really think we're going to Paris, Normandy, and London in September. 🤫
...and it's official: two weeks in September 2022, split between Paris, Normandy, and London.

This will knock about five things off MrsT's bucket list, so that's good. I'm mainly just interested in the London end of things.
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