What made you smile recently?

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It helps if you read this with Linus’ voice:

The government here is continuously trying to prevent "children" from drinking alcohol. Firstly it was that alcohol was not permitted to be sold between the hours of midnight to 11:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 (the only outlets that comply are the supermarkets and 7-11 type franchises). Then it was that alcohol was not to be sold near schools (later clarified as within 300m of places of learning). Every alcohol outlet in my town has some form of seat of learning close by. That "law" has been ignored by virtually everyone. Then it was that alcohol was not to be sold in or adjacent to bus stations (presumably to prevent bus drivers for getting sloshed). That "law" was ignored completely.

It's a farce.

[Last evening I watched the 1975 fillum dealing with the life of Al Capone starring Ben Gazzara. Similar situations.]

In Texas, the TABC (Texas Alcohol and Tobacco Commission) hires people over 18, but under 21 years old go to stores that sell alcohol to try to buy said products. If the store sells it to them, they get a hefty fine, and repeat offenders loose their licenses to sell alcohol. Because of that, anyone who looks under about 30 is likely to be "carded" (asked for ID).

We have rules that if you get caught serving to minors you are fined and penalized by closing for certain amounts of time. My Local a few years ago was caught. Fined 10k and shut for 48hrs. Publican then had a lock in where we still drank in dimly lit pub.
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