Searching for a manual for one of my speakers, today I found this:
"Getting the books jbl sub 10 manual now is not type of challenging means. You could not forlorn going in
the same way as books stock or library or borrowing from your associates to way in them. This is an no
question easy means to specifically get guide by on-line. This online proclamation jbl sub 10 manual can be
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I hope you followed the instructions 'to the letter'!
This evening we were sat in a bar having a drink, a woman across the room picked up a glass Heinz ketchup bottle (other ketchups are available) and gently shook it then tipped it upside down, of course nothing came out so she sat there patting the bottom of the upside down bottle, she kept on patting the bottle until eventually she decided to stick her knife inside to scrape out the ketchup, that didn't work either so she gave up. A guy on the table next to us did exactly the same thing! Some people have no concept if gravity
Lol, I always shake the bottle to get contents to fall to the bottom, to spread. Simple. I do get where you are coming from. Aioli and tartare sauce here are in upside down bottles. So no probs there.