What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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My dad had derogatory nicknames for all of us kids (the boys, anyway): cabbage-head, egg-head (that was mine), melon-head, bucket-head, and water-head.
Egg-head, over here, is used to signify a clever but slightly nerdy person. We even have a game show called "Egg Heads". Was this the reasoning behind your naming?
Dried Porcini Mushrooms and Tomato sauce Mutti, one of my fave passata

I have polenta too in my pantry, thus lunch today will be mushrooms in tomato sauce with polenta.

Egg-head, over here, is used to signify a clever but slightly nerdy person. We even have a game show called "Egg Heads". Was this the reasoning behind your naming?
Same here, but my dad used it as an insult. Of all the kids, I did the best in school, and I've always preferred brain-work over brawn-work, so to speak. It's was my dad's way of saying, "You may be smart in the classroom, but out here in the barn, you're not worth a sh!t."

That's what all the names like were for - just a way to remind us not to get too big for our britches and to keep us down-to-earth.

You don't have the tree up yet? :ohmy:
I like the way you think!

Actually, you can't see it, but there's a Christmas tree directly behind me. It stays up all year, just to give me something to live for. :okay:
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Well mate despite that you have turned out okay.
It may not sound like it at times, but I have a great relationship with my dad, all us kids do. Best thing he ever did for all of us was to teach us from day one that we weren't special, no we couldn't grow up to be president, and no one was going to hand us a damn thing, and if we wanted something, we had to work to get and keep working to keep it.

He could be brutally honest, and just plain brutal, but that was his goal - just like that Cash song, "A Boy Named Sue," - the world is a tough place, and if you can't take being ridiculed, you better just roll over and die right now, Egg-head.

In fact I have the pleasant tingle of schadenfreude when I see all of the long faces caused by the arrival of their credit card statements.
The only time we carry any credit card debt is Christmas. It won't be there come 31 Jan. 😬
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