Forgive me if I'm mistaken. I have Some-timers. Aren't you like 54, 55 or so? How in the world can you eat all that salt and sugar? I would be in a coma if I tried that at my age! ;-0
I shall be 55 in...six weeks, more or less.
I was just thinking I didn't even pack that much when traveling with DD as a first-time mom with a 3-month-old infant.
Here's how this will play out:
Back seat full of snacks, we'll munch a little here and there while driving, and stop once at a rest area for a proper nosh of the goods.
We will consume approximately 10% of what we packed.
We'll put as much of the cold stuff as we can fit into the mini-fridge in the hotel room and have about two bites from that, because we'll be eating out every meal. The remainder will be stored in the downstairs fridge at her sister's. Because it's downstairs, no one will eat it.
The night before we head back, well remember that stuff is down there, go and look at it and determine..."Ick, that's no good any more!"
Then I'm off to the grocery store at 8PM (that's late for me, adjust accordingly to fit your schedule)
to buy replacement food for the trip home.