Picked up some classic white and brown bread today..They asked for "Church Lady Sandwiches" as we are catering for a funeral tomorrow..I don't know if I should be happy or sad a about that..
Up here they just change the name to brown leaf lettuce and raise the price..I was in Kroger yesterday, and the produce looked terrible. I needed green leaf lettuce, and all of their lettuce looked like it was past its sell-by date. The green leaf lettuce had brown edges.
After 18 months of Boris telling me I couldn't go, I finally made it up to Tori & Ben's again this morning.
Tori & Bens Farm Shop – Derbyshire Farm Shop & Deli
No photos as it is all divided up in the fridge or freezer, but:
Half shoulder of Jacob's lamb
Two Javob's Barnsley chops
12 rashers of treacle cured bacon
Black pudding
Longhorn beef mince
4 longhorn beef burgers
Longhorn beef cheeks
2 longhorn ribeye (tonights tea)
6 Welsh Dragon sausages - leek and fresh chilli
Here are Tori and Ben with their Jacob's ewe that had just won best Jacob's and best overall sheep at the Yorkshire show, considered to be the most prestigious show in Britain.
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Also here is their prize Longhorn bull "Acer" being introduced to the ladies this week, and ready to earn his keep, as it where.
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Here are Tori and Ben with their Jacob's ewe that had just won best Jacob's and best overall sheep at the Yorkshire show, considered to be the most prestigious show in Britain.
Selective breeding I guess, smaller, downward pointing horns cause less damage in a herd or when they have to come indoors. It could of course be that British cows are more humble, refined and quieter than American cowsThe Longhorns photo caught my eye. Their horns curl downward, whereas Texas Longhorns curl up (and are bigger, or course). I wonder why they curl in different directions.
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We had some fingerroot given yesterday evening.
I've no idea what my wife will do with it all.