I have been having no end of failures finding Maerzen Oktoberfest bier here in my local area and worse still, no success finding it available on the web, even though its that time of the year when brewers should be releasing their Maerzens for the Oktoberfest season. People on the web who have it will only deliver local to their area or have it pick up only.
Finally, however, I found a place that would deliver. Calvert Woodley, based in Washington D.C. had the product and assured me that they could deliver to California and FedEx, who they use, assured me that there would be no problem with the state of California, making the delivery. I ordered 3 4-packs of Ayinger Maerzen and it got packaged up and shipped on the 14th. As rare as the beer is around here, I thought I would get the 3 4-packs, instead of 1 or a couple bottles. It was supposed to be delivered yesterday. Oops! It wasn't. FedEx was incredibly uncommunicative about the delay. The product was going nowhere in Needles, California, on the Arizona/California border. I worried that California wasn't letting it in or that it was lost or stolen. I called Calvert Woodley and they said they would investigate and call be back next day. In the mean time FedEx red flagged the tracking number and things did not look good.
Calvert Woodley called me back and assured me that FedEx had possession of the package and were delayed by a California wildfire on the route to my location. The delay might be another two days. I can certainly wait that long. I'm just a little peaved, because a signature is required and I had to schedule my time to be around for signing and the uncertainty of the delivery was impacting. Having beer around is no big deal for me. I don't have a psychological dent for getting sauced. I am looking forward to a good flavorful Maerzen, however. I still have heffe weiss bier and doppel bocks in the pantry, as I don't drink beer that frequently, so for Oktoberfest, I can fall back on the doppel bocks.
So, the long search saga for available Ayinger Maerzen is soon to be happily concluded and I can start thinking about applying some of my budget toward frog legs and wild pheasant, which I recently found a source for both.