What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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That is a brand I keep in my pantry. I haven't seen the Arborio in the store, but I haven't looked for it, either.

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I'm sure the Arborio is not grown in Texas. They grow long-grain varieties here.

This is my bucket of their Texmati rice:


I was surprised a little by this on the backside:

Doesn’t bother me in the least, but it surprised me.
This is my bucket of their Texmati rice:

View attachment 83172

I was surprised a little by this on the backside:
View attachment 83173

Doesn’t bother me in the least, but it surprised me.

It bothers me! Call it Thaimati if it comes from Thailand. Nothing wrong with coming from Thailand, just be honest about it.

Here is the front label of mine. Notice "American" vs "American-Style."

Screen Shot 2022-04-04 at 7.02.46 PM.jpg

There website says...

"We offer products that are grown, milled, and packaged in the United States under internationally recognized and validated management standards. We also offer other specialty grain products from around the world, such as couscous, pasta, and quinoa to help create unforgettable meals and improvise with different tastes and textures."

It bothers me! Call it Thaimati if it comes from Thailand. Nothing wrong with coming from Thailand, just be honest about it.

Here is the front label of mine. Notice "American" vs "American-Style."

View attachment 83176

There website says...

"We offer products that are grown, milled, and packaged in the United States under internationally recognized and validated management standards. We also offer other specialty grain products from around the world, such as couscous, pasta, and quinoa to help create unforgettable meals and improvise with different tastes and textures."

I wonder if they had to source it further afield due to demand?

It’s amazing I even saw that, because I wasn’t looking for it, and it’s not like it’s exactly easy to see.
I wonder if they had to source it further afield due to demand?

It’s amazing I even saw that, because I wasn’t looking for it, and it’s not like it’s exactly easy to see.

I'm guessing "profit motive." Maybe the company was bought out by "investors," who only care about how much money can be made. Rice from Thailand is probably cheaper than rice from Texas. You have to pay workers in Texas at least US minimum hourly wages, which may be a week's wage in Thailand.

Wild caught shrimp from Texas costs more in a Houston grocery store than farm raised shrimp from SE Asia. How can shrimp from 50 miles away cost more than shrimp from the other side of the world? I don't know, but it does.

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