What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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Yesterday I asked my wife to buy a couple of cucumbers from the afternoon market for my salmon sandwiches today. She came back with a Kilo! That was 19 cucumbers. Apparently they only sell them per 1 kg (฿ 10.00/kg - 25 pence).

You could always cook some...
My wife's family are arriving tomorrow for their three yearly visit so I'm sure that they will be all gone by Sunday. Together with almost everything else edible that's in the house.

My wife's mother is similar to mine 60 years ago. Brings her own selection of (strange) foods because they're not available here.
Not criticism but observation:

You buy so many snacks - I don't buy any stuff like that at all so it seems odd to me.

The fridge stuff is also a little alien.

The veg I recognise as things I might buy!

I don't really buy that many snacks except for this time of year. The chips were 2-for-1 and I wanted to try the all-dressed ("Canada's #1 flavor!" :laugh: ). The pretzels are for a specific dish. Once I use 40 of those, they'll get turned over to the wife to deal with. She likes bagged pretzels more than I do (which isn't much at all). Even so, those will go stale before they get finished.

The same is true of the cookie stuff. I have a specific Christmas-themed plan for those. I'll warn you now - over the next 45 days, you're going to see a lot of food that's bad for you. :)

The fridge stuff...Bob Evans maple breakfast sausage. No plan for that beyond eating for breakfast. The two blue rolls - those are Pillsbury pre-made tube "doughs." Just like the other stuff, the crescent rolls are for a holiday appetizer favorite. The pizza "dough," I don't know what I'll do with that, but I had a coupon for a dollar off three Pillsbury items, and that red box is a box of Pillsbury pie crusts, which I do actually use from time to time, so I needed a third item.

Even the veg is for a holiday-related dish. All will be revealed...
Interesting haul.

How are you planning on preparing and cooking the "FreshPet"?

Well, first I shall slice off the desired portion, then place it on a salad plate.

Next, using the side of a fork, I will work quickly to flake the pate into more of a fresh tuna appearance.

Then, after adding a garnish of crumbled Milk Bone for texture, I shall present it to my diner for consumption, who, after a singular whiff to ascertain that it's exactly what she'd eaten less than 12 hours ago, will hoover it down her gullet in about 15 seconds.

Last night I went to the pub with a neighbour and ate two whole bowls of salted peanuts (they were free). I never eat salted peanuts!
I have nuts almost every day (actually, I have nuts every day, but that's an entirely different subject :whistling: ), though right now (and again, because it's a holiday tradition), I have a big bag of uncracked mixed nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, and Brazil nuts - my fave), and I crack two of each one at some point during the day and have those for a snack. There's something about Christmas that says you've got to crack them yourself. Very satisfying and very festive.

They're not salted, though. The rest of the year, I buy already-cracked mixed nuts that are about half peanuts, and there will be some cashews in there as well as the other stuff. Those are salted, but I have a small handful every day, unless I've had peanut butter that day.
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