What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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Garlic from the market yesterday evening. There's ½ kilo here for ฿30.00 (about 90 US cents).

Garlic here is 60-cents a head, and it's usually pretty dry and sometimes beginning to sprout by the time it makes it to the supermarket floor.
Garlic here is 60-cents a head, and it's usually pretty dry and sometimes beginning to sprout by the time it makes it to the supermarket floor.

I don't know why sometimes the garlic bulbs have the outside skin removed (as above) and sometimes they don't.

I don't know why sometimes the garlic bulbs have the outside skin removed (as above) and sometimes they don't.
The bulbs in the other photo have been left in the ground 'too long'. In quotes because it just means that they weren't harvested at precisely the correct time usually because they aren't yet big enough bulbs. If you leave the bulbs to swell and grow for longer, the outer skin splits and is shed, so they head of garlic doesn't keep for as long but you get bigger bulbs. Harvest them earlier and you get the skins inn the 2nd picture, they store better but unless they grew really well in ideal conditions with plenty of fertiliser, you don't get such plump cloves...

I grew a reasonable amount of garlic... this is the stuff that didn't skin itself from the last growing season. The stuff that skinned itself is on the freezer in ice cube trays. I need to sit down and remove the skins from these cloves to puree them for the freezer..


Its fantastic. You need do nothing other than add some to cooked pasta and mix it in for a wonderful dish. Of course there are other things you can do too but I'd start with pasta - and you don't need much. Its a fruity tasting chilli paste and packs a punch.
We had these packs of tamarind "concentrate" given yesterday. It appears to me about half way to paste. Even if we give one pack away (which is likely) there would be sufficient left to last us 10 years!

I get through a pack that size (both) about once a year. I love tamarind...

Getting the dates is hard in Australia because if the strict laws on if the seed can be grown/germinated then you can't bring it into the country. Some of the packs I've found the seeds are roughly chopped but I did find it makes it more difficult to sieve the pulp. I've found a brand of tamarind concentrate without added salt or sugar but the jars are very small and the price very high. I miss not being able to get the fresh tamarind dates (sweet or unripe).
We had these packs of tamarind "concentrate" given yesterday. It appears to me about half way to paste. Even if we give one pack away (which is likely) there would be sufficient left to last us 10 years!
I´ve got a recipe for tamarind chutney I can give you. The chutney will last for years.
In 2020, a friend gave me a 50 lb sack of fresh tamarind - when the pandemic struck, at least I had something to do... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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