What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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No longer mad at Texans! Karen went to a Western Beef place to get ground beef and found they have beef shoulder clods. As she describes them, they sound like brisket on steroids. I doubt I will ever get one as the least expensive (28 + lbs) was $140.00.

Had to google beef clods.. sounds like they are great for Central Texas style Barbecue. Twenty eight pounds is a LOT of meat! Keep us posted if you find a smaller cut and prepare it, please.
Ah - I see. I'm afraid I'm not a fan of chocolate, least of all white chocolate which I find very sickly sweet. When I was a kid we sometimes used to get given Milky Bars (white chocolate mini bars of chocolate) by relatives and even then I couldn't eat them. In fact they are still on sale:

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I could drink a bathtub of whites chocolate. I don't like ice cream, but I'll eat white chocolate magnum bars all day long (I usually eat all the coating off and about a third of the ice cream, then give it to MrsTasty).

I used to love these:

I used to be able to by them here, but I haven't seen them in a couple of years.
almond butter stollen that's good enough to make you cry (there's a story there), and pfeffernusse.

Does the stollen have marzipan in it? I've never tried to make one but I could have a go. Pfeffernusse I'd not heard of before but now I know its a ginger cake covered in crisp white icing.
Does the stollen have marzipan in it? I've never tried to make one but I could have a go. Pfeffernusse I'd not heard of before but now I know its a ginger cake covered in crisp white icing.
Yes, it does have a rope of marzipan in it. When I get to it, I'll post a pic.
Busy day at the international market:

The red and green tortilla chips are for Christmas queso.

Those apples are supposed to be red all the way through.
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Those apples are supposed to be red all the way through.
I've just looked them up and apparently they come in 2 skin colours (yellow and red) and are indeed red inside (well pinkish red falling to the centre). They are a new variety, Lucy Glo and Lucy Rose which I guess is what you have. I'd love a picture if the inside when you do eat them please!
I've just looked them up and apparently they come in 2 skin colours (yellow and red) and are indeed red inside (well pinkish red falling to the centre). They are a new variety, Lucy Glo and Lucy Rose which I guess is what you have. I'd love a picture if the inside when you do eat them please!
Here you go:
Ah - I see. I'm afraid I'm not a fan of chocolate, least of all white chocolate which I find very sickly sweet. When I was a kid we sometimes used to get given Milky Bars (white chocolate mini bars of chocolate) by relatives and even then I couldn't eat them. In fact they are still on sale:

Yes, I don't do white chocolate either. I live on the Dark Side of the Force. Ask my cat, Obi-Wan. (But he doesn't do chocolate at all, as the stuff is no good for cats nor dogs). But yes, dark chocolate or no chocolate, here.

I didn't like white chocolate even as a kid, either.

It tastes too sweet, and a bit chalky, to me.
grocery run dec 9.jpg

A lot more dairy and sugary things in this run than usual. I am making cookies later this week (two types) for the local food basket to the elderly, and ill, members of our town's community. I also include some non-food items here.

Today's run involved Tractor Supply (the cat and layer hen chicken feed), the AA batteries for more outdoor lights, and the fake eggs to encourage the recent pullets to lay where they should - down the road. The pack of pine chips is still in the car, as is the kitty litter. I do have a LOT of chicken feed down at the bin, but simply in case I need some extra. With the snow and slipperiness, carrying 25 lbs at a time is a bad idea for me.

New gloves came from Home Depot. I also got some plywood cut to size (also still in the car) for my plans to weatherproof the chicken tractor tomorrow. Temps will remain above freezing until dark tomorrow. Also a mini-tree which will appear on my mantle.

The Grocery Run part from Price Chopper - ingredients for my Cookery post, to be made this afternoon. Cookie making ingredients. A splurge on organic chicken wings and the pro-biotic yogurt. Seasonal cards for mailing. Not seen: recycled paper towels, and budget store brand TP.
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