Forum GOD!
Yes, they sell cookies as a fund raiser every year. The cookie drive ended in our area a week or so ago. They sell in different areas at different times so as not to overload the bakeries they use.
The shortbread ones are mine, the others are the wife's. She usually also gets some Thin Mints, but she skipped those today. No doubt they'll end up in the house at some point.
They used to sell these big shortbread cookies, with lemon icing on them, that I loved (I think they were called Wagon Wheels), but they were available here for one year only and then disappeared.
Each box costs $5US. This time of year, there are always gangs of Girl Scouts crowding around every storefront and place of business imaginable, plus, anyone at work with a kid in Girl Scouts sells them at work. It's actually a bit annoying at times, because the girls (and their parents) can be rather aggressive with it. I've been cussed at, had my manhood challenged, and threatened with physical violence over the years for not buying cookies. Those Girl Scouts are tough!
Yep, GS cookies have arrived. They're not unlike a plague of locusts, and if you don't buy some every time you see them out pandering their goods, then you're obviously a misanthrope who hates all things good and wonderful in the world, and will no doubt end up in Hades for all eternity, surrounded by little devilish Girl Scouts who exist only to cram a never-ending stream of cookies down you're gullet (in your case, it would be mayonnaise cookies!) while simultaneously aerating your backside with a hot poker.
Nothing happens like that happens here in the UK. We used to have something called 'bob-a-job week' when scouts would knock on doors and offer to do an odd job for a bob (a shilling in pre-decimal coinage). That seems to have died out completely.Yup! Like TR described, the little scouts crawl out of the wood work, and block the doors at stores and malls. Go door-to-door with their moms. Parents bring the d$&!@! things to work to annoy their coworkers into buying more and more cookies!
If you need a couple things at the grocery, you have to move fast, and avoid eye-contact!!!
To give you an idea of what it's like, we were at an outdoor shopping mall yesterday, the kind with a middle pedestrian area where there are storefronts lining each side, maybe some greenery down the middle, along with a shopping kiosk or two (like for phone cases, sunglasses, etc).Nothing happens like that happens here in the UK. We used to have something called 'bob-a-job week' when scouts would knock on doors and offer to do an odd job for a bob (a shilling in pre-decimal coinage). That seems to have died out completely.
A few years ago, outside Kroger, I walked in and was accosted, which I ignored, and on the way out, I was approached again, and without breaking my stride or making eye contact, I said, "Sorry, I already bought mine at the office," which was true.Whether you have them or not, granddaughters are a perfect excuse! "Sorry" we buy them from our granddaughter". Also, "Sorry, I'm trying to quit" works even though that goes over their heads, as well as their parents heads. Similar to cashier at the grocery asking for donations to some charity or another, "I give to charity every week, it is called the IRS".
The toffee-tastic ones say they're certified gluten-free, but they're not sold everywhere.Hmmmm, I just did a little search, and GS cookies do no not come in Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Vegan or Halal. Some good ammo to use on the little brats.
Sorry, but I'm diabetic.
I guess it's like the McRib at McDonald's. I've yet to meet a single person who likes them, but everyone goes crazy when they make their yearly appearance. I've even had people tell me, "They're not very good, but this is the only time they're available, so I'm getting one." I do that about once every five years, just to make sure I remember how nasty they are.![]()
I don't like any of the GS cookies, so we don't buy them. And if a little GS got real pushy about it, I'd say so. But, I don't really like any commercially made cookies either, not even local bakery made ones. Guess I'm a cookie snob.
Not only do we get the GS cookie drive, we get the football, soccer, basketball, etc., etc., teams begging for money at the grocery stores. Some of them are even taking credit/debit cards now. And, some of them can get quite pushy at times. It also seems like it's become okay to just stand there and beg for money as your fund raiser. One time stuck in my mind, there were a bunch of strapping young men/boys standing around asking for money for their team, with several parents acting as chaperones. An older middle-aged woman came out of the store in front of us and was approached. She told the young man/boy (who was bigger than her) that she wouldn't just give him money, but that if he walked with her to her car (and even said take a parent or 2 with us) and unloaded her groceries that she'd give him $20. He turned to 1 of the parents and relayed her offer. I guess they all decided it was okay because I saw the woman, the young man/boy, and 1 of the mothers walking out to her car in the parking lot as I was bringing the cart back. Whatever happened to actually doing something for somebody or, like the GS, selling something when asking them for money?