With the beer, this was our conversation earlier:
"So when you say German beer, are you wanting something more seasonal, like a bock, or something a little lighter, like a hefe?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, I want bock and hefe. Both."
Anyway, Kroger had only one German beer we like, so I grabbed some Boddington's instead, because we both like that. Conversation when I got home:
<MrsTasty looks at Paulaner & Boddie's> "So no bock, then?"
"Nope. Paulaner, Becks, or Warsteiner, so I grabbed the Paulaner and then saw the Boddie's."
"That's a four-pack. What're you gonna have?"

Glad to say, I did find the dog food we buy. Chewy.com doesn't carry it, though Amazon does. But, they had plenty at this Kroger, so we're good for another several days.